[GRASS5] gis.m (2006.03.24): kudos and bugs

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Fri Mar 24 16:26:30 EST 2006


Cedric and Michael - congrats! gis.m is becoming really good looking
and functional. Please keep up your great work. It is amazing how much
got improved for about 2 weeks, since I have tried it the last time.

Now to bugs :).

In today's CVS I get a following error when adding any kind of a layer:

can't read "guioptfont": no such variable
can't read "guioptfont": no such variable
    while executing
"checkbutton $frm.check -font $guioptfont  -variable GmRaster::opt
($count,1,_check)  -height 1 -padx 0 -width 0" (procedure
"GmRaster::create" line 17) invoked from within
"GmRaster::create $tree($mon) $parent_node"
    ("raster" arm line 2)
    invoked from within
"switch $type {
        group {
            GmGroup::create $tree($mon)  $parent_node
        raster {
            GmRaster::create $tree($mo..."
    (procedure "GmTree::add" line 22)
    invoked from within
"GmTree::add raster"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel \#0 $cmd"
    (procedure "Button::_release" line 18)
    invoked from within
"Button::_release .mainframe.topf.tb0.bbox1.b0"
    (command bound to event)

Command's GUI menus are too big. Try e.g. v.extract& - the window will
cover almost whole the screen. Related - could lines for inputting
attributes be adjusted to window size, and not the other way round?

When resizing GUIs, buttons in the bottom will become invisible. Could
they be preserved, like those in the bottom of "Select Item" window?
And in general, GUIs shouldn't be allowed to be as shrinkable as

GUI's are now fully mouse wheel scrollable, neat, but "Select Item"
windows, the area where layers are listed in d.m and gis.m and
layer attributes area still aren't. Could they?

Cosmetics: the bottom of some GUIs are greyish, while the remaining
part of window is greenish.

I must admit that besides those issues d.m and gis.m are much more
readable and aesthetic now. It is also great to have separate output
tab in GUIs.

Longstanding: there are commands which need to have the attributes
order customizable  (e.g. v.type). Will Grass GUI support this someday?


This bug still remains when editing attributes in v.digit or
d.what.vect -e:

Could not set Tcl system encoding to 
D0/0: Name = _grass_internal_database_encoding
Could not set Tcl system encoding to 
D0/0: Name = _grass_internal_database_encoding
Could not set Tcl system encoding to


But - great stuff!!! - the long standing bug with a lag during editing
attributes doesn't apply anymore! Is that Cedric's work too? Respect.

d.m is still leaving d.mon zombies in memory at any (re)drawing.

Lat but not least:

KUDO to Cedric - NVIZ indeed now builds and runs with tcl/tk 8.4 on
Debian derivative (Ubuntu Breezy)! 


W polskim Internecie s? setki milion?w stron. My przekazujemy Tobie tylko najlepsze z nich!

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