[GRASS5] hydraulic model tools

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Mon May 1 14:30:18 EDT 2006

Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> Is there a list anywhere of what remains to be ported or outstanding
> issues with hydro model tools in current version?
just a note regarding this - most hydrologic modeling tools that were 
developed or linked to GRASS
in 90ies and not ported to GRASS6 usually need more than just porting. 
Compared to their current versions
(if they exist) they are very much behind so they also need some serious 
(this is true also for the simwe modules).
I have emailed to Fred Ogden who is one of the co-authors of casc2d to 
find out what he thinks should be done
but I don't have an answer yet. The same should probably be done for 
answers, swat, r.water.fea  and others.
Also, there are several efforts in development of new hydrologic modules 
that I know of but I will
leave the announcement to authors when they are ready.


> Are there any developers that need a little cash to speed up getting
> some of this fixed up?  Perhaps a few of us who are interested could
> pool some re$ources to help get these tools back into working order.
> Anyone else interested/able in putting some funding into the pot?  Any
> developers interested in committing to a timeline and making some cash?
> Tyler
> ivan marchesini wrote:
>> It sounds really interesting!!!
>> we need these tools!!!
>> thank you very much!!!!
>> ivan
>> Il giorno ven, 28/04/2006 alle 15.44 -0700, Brad Douglas ha scritto:
>>> On Fri, 2006-04-28 at 11:06 -0700, Raymond Burns wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Somewhere between 5.3-7 and 6.0-1 , a number of hydraulic modeling
>>>> tools were left out of the CVS tree. 
>>>> Are there reasons (beyond time, workers and interest) to not overhaul
>>>> and bring back some or all of these tools ?  Are they being worked on
>>>> as part of a raster revamp ?
>>> It's been a problem of too much code and too few active developers. :(
>>>> I have been working on r.hydro.CASC2D with some results. The patch
>>>> would be a little bit large to just throw on the mailing list and I am
>>>> wondering just what to do with it.
>>> You can send to me directly if you like.  I'll review it and commit
>>> working code.
>>> Also, if you have a test scenario(s) (preferably with Spearfish
>>> dataset), please forward that as well.
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Helena Mitasova
Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
North Carolina State University
1125 Jordan Hall
NCSU Box 8208
Raleigh, NC 27695-8208

email: hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
ph: 919-513-1327 (no voicemail)
fax 919 515-7802

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