[GRASS-dev] [bug #4426] (grass) Almost entire GRASS database deleted. Suspect grass startup.

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Mon May 8 03:47:16 EDT 2006

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4426

Subject: Almost entire GRASS database deleted. Suspect grass startup.

Platform: GNU/Linux/x86
grass obtained from: CVS
grass binary for platform: Compiled from Sources
GRASS Version: CVS development May 7th 2006

Virtually an entire mapset in a location was deleted somehow. These are all the things I can remember doing since the last time I saw it alive:

Short version: PLEASE AUDIT STARTUP SCRIPTS, g.mapsets.tcl !!!

Most of this is probably not interesting.

Files were still being listed when I worked on development on gis.m testing running v.digit started from a layer.

I made the commit: Digitizing a vector layer might actually work now. Todo: grab other layers that are selected and use them for the draw commands.

I made a bunch of changes to mouse scrolling in gis.m.

I tested gis.m and opening guis for a bunch of modules and moved the cursor around and used the mouse wheel and clicked on frames and things.

I made these commits:

* Mouse scroll the layer tree and options windows.

* Improvements to scrolling. Scrolling is much more specific (must have 
heyboard or mouse focus). Binding scrolling is no longer a code leak.

I saved a scrolling change I hadn't saved and tested yet, made some more tests of gis.m just like above and made the commit: No more code or memmory leak. (Forgot to save part of edit before 
testing and committing)

I started making edits to gronsole.tcl to fix scrolling.

I closed all of grass (I left)

I reopened grass by clicking on a launcher button that, in an xterm, runs:
bash -c "cd ~/grassdata; grass61"
I don't usually run grass this way. I think I normally open a terminal and run  grass61.

The new startup screen came up; I was mildly surprised (I havn't seen it very many times yet).  I clicked on the button in the lower left corner (Location and PERMANENT mapset were already selected).

I finished changes to gronsole.tcl (bindings on scrollings) and tested it. As I had suspected It didn't really work.

I got an email from Michael, "V.digit doesn't work with  new maps??". I revisited the changes of my earlier commit "Digitizing a vector...". I observed that if I tried to make a new map like Michael did that my test for existing map failed with an error. I decided to just use the lack of an error as evidence of the existing map with g.findfile and changed the chunk of code to:

# Determine if an element already exists

proc Gm::element_exists {elem name} {
	set failure [catch {exec [list "|g.findfile" "element=$elem" "file=$name"] >& /dev/null}]

	return [expr {! $failure}]


I tested this, making a new map (newmaptest below (edited - not actual name; actual name reflected my frustration with committing a bug)). It worked. I then added a vector layer to gis.m and clicked on the button to list existing maps. The only one present was my new map. At this point I started looking around and found the following files:

.  ..  .bash_history  .bashrc  DEFAULT_WIND  .gislock  MYNAME  .tmp  vector  WIND  windows

.  ..  Foxwaltz

.  ..  14033.0  14033.0.pgm  14033.0.ppm  14033.1

.  ..  newmaptest

.  ..  cidx  coor  dbln  head  hist  topo

.  ..  gism_temp_region

The existence of gism_temp_region and no other regions (I wasn't displaying anything) means that gis.m was run more recently than the failure, though that doesn't narrow it down much.

.bash_history reveals nothing. It doesn't really have the commands I've been running in the console.

The files DEFAULT_WIND and WIND both contain:
proj:       99
zone:       0
north:      1
south:      0
east:       1
west:       0
cols:       1
rows:       1
e-w resol:  1
n-s resol:  1
top:        1
bottom:     0
cols3:      1
rows3:      1
depths:     1
e-w resol3: 1
n-s resol3: 1
t-b resol:  1

Note: the proj corruption of my windows occured a while ago. At the time I associated it with the new ______ (I can't remember what). I have no idea how it happened. I'm not certain if that's the same "proj" and "zone" that used to pop up. I think it isn't because when I'd run g.region -p I the projection and 
zone would show descriptive text too. The survival of this data (or reintroduction of it) could be a big clue.

Places that are likely to have caused this error:
The startup scripts

Things that were for sure run:

I also remember I accidentally ran g.mapsets.tcl from the menu while trying to open guis to scroll arround. I closed it by clicking the window close button. This is probably also worth looking into. (Little used, suspicious name)

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