[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS5] [bug #4331] (grass) delete if file exist - flag

Cedric Shock cedricgrass at shockfamily.net
Tue May 9 15:41:43 EDT 2006


The help output for modules using a "new,*" gisprompt now includes the --o 
flag. It's omitted from the xml output because it doesn't fit the current 

> I would have thought that it would be sufficient for G_parser() to set
> OVERWRITE itself if --o was used. That would then be inherited by the
> script and by any modules which it calls.

G_parser now sets, but doesn't export, the OVERWRITE environment variable.

> > Perhaps it would be possible for parser.c to tell the difference between
> > a call from g.parser and a call from other modules to produce this help
> > output only for c grass modules that use new,*.

No need for this since it's working for scripts now.

> If that's needed, add a function to parser.c to enable the feature,
> and change g.parser to call it. That's more robust than trying to
> autodetect g.parser.

I'd have done it that way ;)


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