[GRASS-dev] [bug #4368] (grass) g.parser: pass through --o

Cedric Shock cedricgrass at shockfamily.net
Sat May 13 13:31:09 EDT 2006


The --o flag has been in grass for a long time. Things that start -- in grass 
are options to the parser, things that start - are flags that are parsed by 
the parser for the module. --o tells the parser not to check that to make 
sure elements in "new" gisprompts don't exist.

The following are also parser options, all of these options must be the first 
show usage and exit. Also -help and help work for ease.

Print out xml description of command line interface and exit

Print out html usage help for command to be integrated in manual pages.

Print out tcl/tk source code to be evaluated after sourcing gui.tcl to make a 
user interface. This is for user interfaces like d.m and gis.m.

Force the gui user interface to run. This can be used by itself or in 
combination with options and flags to preload those options and flags into 
the ui. This could be changed so that it doesn't need to be the first 
argument, since it doesn't preempt parsing.

--o and --overwrite
These don't need to be in the first argument. They override existing map check 
for this command only.

Note that overwrite can also be set by g.gisenv so that it happens 
automatically for all commands. Some users (at least me) prefer to not have 
maps automatically overwritten, but for it to be easy to do for a single 

The only recent change was adding --o to the help. It was added to module help 
because it is specifically useful for modules that employ a new gisprompt.


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