[GRASS-dev] new profiling tool and other gis.m updates

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Sun May 21 05:12:17 EDT 2006

On Sat, 20 May 2006 15:35:07 -0600
Trevor Wiens <twiens at interbaun.com> wrote:


> > > the left hand is
> > > I for zoom In
> Oops Z for Zoom in (not S)

Don't use z or y keys - due to qwerty vs qwertz keyboards.

> > > T for zoom ouT
> > > A for pAn
> > > Q for Query
> > > D for Distance (Measure)
> > > X for pointer
> all are close together, the hand doesn't need to move from standard
> typing position.

IMO they are not adjacent enough to be really quick and convenient in


1. eyes focus on the monitor
2. brain do the interpretation
3. main hand point the location using mouse
4. secondary hand perform the action using keys, in a way that your
eyes are not distracted from wathing the display and your brain is not
involved in chossing the right key

Any key mapping that follows this is be good. staqd(x) isn't.


> > Key mappings for map browsing+query are firstly supposed to be
> > rapid in use (faster than doing all with mouse). Otherwise they
> > don't make much sense at all. They are not necessarily supposed to
> > be intuitive. Once you learn them (ie. read the manual, or the
> > bubble help hints in the GUI) you benefit from the quick map
> > browsing, which is the point. These are _only_ five key to get used
> > to.
> Using this logic the one of the obvious choices would be
> asfdg and hjkl; for right and left hands.

Not bad. But IMHO even more ergonomic is sxacq for right-handed people
and kmlno for left hand-handed:

Zoom-in:	s or k
Zoom-out:	x or m
Pan:		a or l
Query:		c or n

Measure:	q or o

But I wont insinst anymore if you can tell why my proposition is bad.


> An addition function which I think should be added to the pointer is
> that clicking posts the coordinates to the copy buffer. This adds
> meaningful functionality to a tool that otherwise is basically a place
> holder. I have to research how to do this, but I think it would be
> useful.

Good point.


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