[GRASS-dev] [bug #4487] (grass) v.hull, nviz: the GUI window freezes

Maciek Sieczka via RT grass-bugs at intevation.de
Tue May 23 10:40:43 EDT 2006

Markus wrote:
> The solution is to update v.hull to GRASS 6 (so, to
> not used the outdated sites lib).

It would be great, for v.hull and NVIZ, but it is not nature of the problem
now I see.

I have just noticed that any command in GUI that outputs quite long text at a
high pace, will freeze the window temporarily. It's wish occupies 100% CPU
then and only "kill -9" is able to close it. If you leave it alone, it will
complete though. Yet for many users it will look like a freeze, when it takes
eg. a minute for the command to complete and the window completely doesn't
respond during that time. Especially that the completion takes noticably 
longer in GUI than in the terminal, for some reason.

Try "r.stats -1 some_raster" in GUI for instance.

Renaming the bug to: "TCLTK GUI: window freezes with a long text output at
high pace", as this issue is not limited to nviz or v.hull only.

Interestingly, the r.stats ouptput in GUI was *longer* than in console, see:

$ r.stats -1 hipso_nn | wc -l
r.stats:  100%

while after copy/paste from r.stats GUI output into Gedit I had 610899 lines
of output, hmm.


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