[GRASS-dev] [bug #4493] (grass) gis.m fails to start GUI

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Thu May 25 02:44:16 EDT 2006

This sounds like fixing NVIZ is the way to go, if this is the only problem,
and not the larger thread issue that Glynn mentioned.


On 5/24/06 11:12 PM, "Hamish" <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com> wrote:

> me:
>>> note NVIZ still doesn't work 100% with TclTk 8.4 on debian. This is
>>> because of bugs which should be fixed, but in the mean time we are
>>> left with a no-win compromise, either NVIZ working or gis.m working;
>>> not both.
> Michael:
>> I think that Glynn is fixing (or maybe has fixed) NVIZ.
> Glynn:
>> Nope. All I've done to NVIZ is to update Togl to 1.7
> Michael:
>> Also, I have a grad student who is using Debian (I can ask him the
>> distro when he gets in) and the current GIS Manager with no problem.
>> ????
> gis.m + tcltk 8.4 on Debian: no problem.
> NVIZ + tcltk 8.4 on Debian (others??): segfaults in the keyframe
> animation panel when you add new key frames. It happens on a G_free()
> call, if you comment out the 2 calls it works ok. Plain old memory bug,
> not a systemic limitation, so don't let it affect decisions. Probably
> others bugs too, but that's the one I found.
> read all about it:  https://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4246
> Michael:
>> I'd need to find some 8.3 docs and check all widgets and options since
>> I don't actually have a system to run it agains 8.3 and see if it
>> bombs.
> Easier to just wait for 8.3 people to complain about specific errors
> than to try and audit the code. :)
> Michael:
>> But this works fine in 8.4 in both x11 and Mac OSX versions on my Mac
>> and for FC4. Is 8.4 for Debian so different?
> Debian is always different. Three reasons: strict processes/ideology
> trump quick fixes (do it Right even if it's painful); as getting new
> packages into the main archives requires long and arduous tests, it's
> often easier to backport minor fixes than jump to a new version (eg
> Deb's X11 4.3 is far far more advanced than X11's original); and finally
> Debian packages are often patched to be "more strict" so that they will
> work on all *13* supported hardware architectures. Or at least they
> aren't afraid to start reforming the world to their own idea(l)s,
> sometimes for the worse.
> Result: Debian tends to expose subtle bugs in upstream packages. (and in
> turn become more stable for the end user)
> TclTk 8.4 on debian has threading, so lots more administrative overhead
> and tests to keep the threads from colliding and lots more possibilities
> for bugs to cause problems than with 8.3.
> David:
>> I was going to suggest we build against both on Debuan/Ubuntu, but I
>> just noticed that tk8.3 is incompatible with tk8.4 on Ubuntu systems
>> (selecting one in Synaptic removes the other)
> On Debian only the tk8.4-dev package conflicts. Both tcl8.3 and tcl8.4
> can be installed. The /etc/alternatives/wish symlink tells the system
> which one to use (for me it points to wish8.4). You can only build
> against one version. e.g. you can build with tcltk8.3-dev and run with
> wish8.4, no problem. I am not sure how the Ubuntu Provides/Conflicts
> rules are set up.
> Hamish

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

WWW - http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671

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