[GRASS-dev] Re: CVS date&time on manuals page?

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri Nov 17 15:31:20 EST 2006

On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 06:48:24PM +0100, Maciej Sieczka wrote:
> Markus Neteler wrote:
> > Maciej Sieczka wrote on 11/16/2006 06:45 PM:
> >> Hamish wrote:
> >>> for 6.3-cvs they are updated weekly(?)
> >> I guess so. However, Markus happens to regenerate CVS shapshots
> >> manually. 
> > No. I rarely trigger the cronjob in certain circumstances to have it before
> > saturday.
> That's what I'm saying - that you *happen* to regenerate CVS shapshots
> manually.

Since you insist:

- assume 8 manual triggers per year
- 52 weeks
- 17 cronjobs

> 8/(52 * 17)
[1] 0.009049774

-> the trigger rate is below 1%! It remains in the noise (for me).

This 0.9% does not justify at all any complex PHP programming just to tell
people that the HTML pages are weekly updated.
In the end the time stamp of the individual *document* matters. And that's
almost everywhere in the underlying description.html files.


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