[GRASS-dev] v.category option=print: fails to print
area's categories
Markus Neteler
neteler at itc.it
Thu Nov 23 03:42:17 EST 2006
tlaronde at polynum.com wrote on 11/22/2006 04:10 PM:
> Hello,
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 12:58:08PM +0100, Martin Landa wrote:
>> Hi Maciek,
>> 2006/11/21, Maciej Sieczka <tutey at o2.pl>:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have notice that "v.category option=print type=area" never prints any
>>> categories. Why is that so?
>>> Example: in spearfish there is a 'fields' vector which has 65 areas, 63
>>> of them with centroids. But
>>> v.category fields option=print type=area
>>> prints nothing; a bug?
>> not sure, I see vector type 'area' as a "virtual" type, so I think an
>> area cannot be associated with category number. It's always centroid
>> (and/or boundary) which has category number. So
> FWIW, and to be able (I'm talking about myself) to have an overview of
> your new vector engine here is how things were going with CERL
> GRASS 4.1 vector format (and GRASS GPL <= 5.4) [this was not
> explicitely stated; this is an extended description].
> 1) the vector element is an ARC, that is an oriented vector of vertices.
> 2) the vertices can be seen as control points. The nature of the one
> dimension element drawned according to these control points can be
> called the functional type (in KerGIS V_FTYPE_*). There was (is) only
> one functional type supported: V_FTYPE_LINE (polylines, or segments).
> 3) the topological type of the ARC tells what _geometrical_ element to
> deduce from the ARCS. Topological types are : V_TTYPE_DOT, V_TTYPE_PATH,
> V_TTYPE_EDGE (were respectively DOT, LINE and AREA in legacy code).
> 4) the geometrical figures are deduced from the previous informations.
> The geometrical figures are V_GTYPE_POINT, V_GTYPE_LINE, G_GTYPE_AREA.
> 5) the legacy categories are associated with _geometrical figures_ by a
> _topological_ mean: a point "on" an element (nearest to this element
> than to another one) [category are now in KerGIS group numbers, and
> label group names à la DNS].
> So, with the legacy topological vector engine, categories are precisely
> associated with areas, the centroïd being the topological mean to make
> the association.
> How does your new vector engine define these things?
The Programmer's manual should hopefully explain it:
-> Related Pages <http://mpa.itc.it/markus/grass63progman/pages.html>
-> GRASS 6 Vector Architecture
-> Vector library Topology management
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