[GRASS-dev] [bug #5089] (grass) complete text file

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Sun Sep 3 07:05:30 EDT 2006

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5089

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Here is the complete text file:
Subject: gis.m & = error; d.m & = O.K.

Platform: GNU/Linux/x86_64
grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries
GRASS Version: grass 6.3

Please enter your name and error description here. Don't
write general statements
such as "this could be better" - please explain in
details how a certain problem can be solved or a feature be
added/improved. Send
different report for different problems. Thanks!

Welcome to GRASS 6.3.cvs (2006)
GRASS homepage:
This version running thru:               Bash Shell
Help is available with the command:      g.manual -i
See the licence terms with:              g.version -c
Start the graphical user interface with: gis.m &
When ready to quit enter:                exit
GRASS 6.3.cvs (d2133):/home/md/grass > gis.m &
[1] 20263
GRASS 6.3.cvs (d2133):/home/md/grass >

PROJ_INFO file not found for location d2133
PROJ_INFO file not found for location d2133
    while executing
"close $input"
    (procedure "MapCanvas::runprograms" line 37)
    invoked from within
"MapCanvas::runprograms $mon [expr {$mymodified != 0}]"
    (procedure "MapCanvas::drawmap" line 38)
    invoked from within
"MapCanvas::drawmap $mon"
    (procedure "MapCanvas::display_server" line 9)
    invoked from within
    ("after" script)


Welcome to GRASS 6.3.cvs (2006)
GRASS homepage:
This version running thru:               Bash Shell
Help is available with the command:      g.manual -i
See the licence terms with:              g.version -c
Start the graphical user interface with: gis.m &
When ready to quit enter:                exit
GRASS 6.3.cvs (d2133):/home/md/grass > gis.m &
[1] 20263
GRASS 6.3.cvs (d2133):/home/md/grass >

PROJ_INFO file not found for location d2133
PROJ_INFO file not found for location d2133
    while executing
"close $input"
    (procedure "MapCanvas::runprograms" line 37)
    invoked from within
"MapCanvas::runprograms $mon [expr {$mymodified != 0}]"
    (procedure "MapCanvas::drawmap" line 38)
    invoked from within
"MapCanvas::drawmap $mon"
    (procedure "MapCanvas::display_server" line 9)
    invoked from within
    ("after" script)


Welcome to GRASS 6.3.cvs (2006)
GRASS homepage:                          http://grass.itc.it/
This version running thru:               Bash Shell (/bin/bash)
Help is available with the command:      g.manual -i
See the licence terms with:              g.version -c
Start the graphical user interface with: gis.m &
When ready to quit enter:                exit
GRASS 6.3.cvs
(spearfish60):/home/md/grass-data/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector >
[1] 2744
GRASS 6.3.cvs
(spearfish60):/home/md/grass-data/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector >
PNG: collecting to file: map.png,
Graphics driver [gism] started
[1]+  Done                    gis.m
GRASS 6.3.cvs
(spearfish60):/home/md/grass-data/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector >
d.vect map=roads
GRASS 6.3.cvs
(spearfish60):/home/md/grass-data/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector >

Jonas Mockus
jmockus at gmail.com

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Content-Disposition: inline

Here is the complete text file:<br>&nbsp;******************************************************************************************<br>Subject: gis.m &amp; = error; d.m &amp; = O.K. <br><br>Platform: GNU/Linux/x86_64<br>grass obtained from: Trento Italy site
<br>grass binary for platform: Downloaded precompiled Binaries<br>GRASS Version: grass 6.3<br><br>Please enter your name and error description here. Don't <br>write general statements<br>such as &quot;this could be better&quot; - please explain in
<br>details how a certain problem can be solved or a feature be <br>added/improved. Send<br>different report for different problems. Thanks!<br><br>Welcome to GRASS 6.3.cvs (2006)<br>GRASS homepage:<br><a href="http://grass.itc.it/">
http://grass.itc.it/</a><br>This version running thru:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bash Shell<br>(/bin/bash)<br>Help is available with the command:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; g.manual -i<br>See the licence terms with:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; g.version -c<br>Start the graphical user interface with: 
gis.m &amp;<br>When ready to quit enter:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exit<br>GRASS 6.3.cvs (d2133):/home/md/grass &gt; gis.m &amp;<br>[1] 20263<br>GRASS 6.3.cvs (d2133):/home/md/grass &gt;<br><br><br>PROJ_INFO file not found for location d2133
<br>PROJ_INFO file not found for location d2133<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; while executing<br>&quot;close $input&quot;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (procedure &quot;MapCanvas::runprograms&quot; line 37)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; invoked from within<br>&quot;MapCanvas::runprograms $mon [expr {$mymodified != 0}]&quot;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (procedure &quot;MapCanvas::drawmap&quot; line 38)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; invoked from within<br>&quot;MapCanvas::drawmap $mon&quot;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (procedure &quot;MapCanvas::display_server&quot; line 9)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; invoked from within<br>&quot;MapCanvas::display_server&quot;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (&quot;after&quot; script)<br><br>THE SAME ERROR MESSAGE FOR MY OTHER&nbsp; LOCATONS<br><br>***********************************************************<br>Welcome to GRASS 6.3.cvs (2006)<br>GRASS homepage:<br><a href="http://grass.itc.it/">
http://grass.itc.it/</a><br>This version running thru:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bash Shell<br>(/bin/bash)<br>Help is available with the command:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; g.manual -i<br>See the licence terms with:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; g.version -c<br>Start the graphical user interface with: 
gis.m &amp;<br>When ready to quit enter:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exit<br>GRASS 6.3.cvs (d2133):/home/md/grass &gt; gis.m &amp;<br>[1] 20263<br>GRASS 6.3.cvs (d2133):/home/md/grass &gt;<br><br><br>PROJ_INFO file not found for location d2133
<br>PROJ_INFO file not found for location d2133<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; while executing<br>&quot;close $input&quot;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (procedure &quot;MapCanvas::runprograms&quot; line 37)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; invoked from within<br>&quot;MapCanvas::runprograms $mon [expr {$mymodified != 0}]&quot;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (procedure &quot;MapCanvas::drawmap&quot; line 38)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; invoked from within<br>&quot;MapCanvas::drawmap $mon&quot;<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (procedure &quot;MapCanvas::display_server&quot; line 9)<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; invoked from within<br>&quot;MapCanvas::display_server&quot;
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (&quot;after&quot; script)<br><br>********************************************************************<br><br>Welcome to GRASS 6.3.cvs (2006)<br>GRASS homepage:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://grass.itc.it/">
http://grass.itc.it/</a><br>This version running thru:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bash Shell (/bin/bash)<br>Help is available with the command:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; g.manual -i<br>See the licence terms with:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; g.version -c<br>Start the graphical user interface with: 
gis.m &amp;<br>When ready to quit enter:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; exit<br>GRASS 6.3.cvs<br>(spearfish60):/home/md/grass-data/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector &gt; <br>gis.m<br>&amp;<br>[1] 2744<br>GRASS 6.3.cvs<br>(spearfish60):/home/md/grass-data/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector &gt; 
<br>d.mon<br>start=gism<br>PNG: GRASS_TRUECOLOR status: FALSE<br>PNG: collecting to file: map.png,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; GRASS_WIDTH=640, GRASS_HEIGHT=480<br>Graphics driver [gism] started<br>[1]+&nbsp; Done&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; gis.m<br>GRASS 
6.3.cvs<br>(spearfish60):/home/md/grass-data/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector &gt;<br>d.vect map=roads<br>GRASS 6.3.cvs<br>(spearfish60):/home/md/grass-data/spearfish60/PERMANENT/vector &gt;<br><br clear="all">NO ERRORS, NO RESULTS
<br>-- <br>Jonas Mockus<br>e-mail:<br><a href="mailto:jmockus at gmail.com">jmockus at gmail.com</a>


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Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 14:05:27 +0300
From: "jonas mockus" <jmockus at gmail.com>
To: "Maciek Sieczka via RT" <grass-bugs at intevation.de>
Subject: complete text file
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