[GRASS-dev] Re: [bug #2765] (grass) v.buffer produces strange results

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 12 05:41:21 EDT 2006

Maciej Sieczka wrote:
> Wow, this looks OK indeed. Look at my buf_bugs.png screenshot of the
> same area - red is  4m buffer, green is 1m buffer. Both are all wrong.
> I wonder how such a difference between your and my results is
> possible.

Unless "ditches" is slightly different, I don't know. The 4m buffer blob
seems to me to be the same disease as the lump in "my" area.

maybe try v.build.polyline?

> > But it doesn't matter -- I was looking for a simple example of it
> > going wrong and I think I've found one:
> > Can you try buffering this simple polygon and see if it works
> > correctly for you? (I used a 10m buffer) If we can fix the bug
> > causing that, maybe your area filling bug will go away too.
> I tried. You can see the result of buffering at 10m on the attached
> screendumps:
> hamish_area.png 	- your input area
> hamish_area_buf10.png	- 10m buffer
> hamish_area_both.png	- both, overlayed
> The 10m buffer is wrong. I'm curious if you obtain *the same* wrong
> buffer.

I get identical results, which is reassuring. (this is cat #1188 or so
from the 'ditches' map)


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