[GRASS-dev] Bugtracker: Changing to GForge Platform?

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan at intevation.de
Tue Sep 26 18:10:34 EDT 2006

Hi GRASS Developers,

at FOSS4G in Lausanne I talked to Markus and about the
GRASS  development infrastructure he said the thing
that hurts most is the bugtracker.

What we could do instantly is:
create a project "GRASS" at our GForge platform http://wald.intevation.de
and start with just the bugtracker.

This would basically solve two problems:
- attachments for bug reports work
- management of user accounts through GForge
  and could be delegated to any GRASS developer

You can look at the bugtracker here:
It is the one of Thuban, the wxPython desktop GIS.

Comments, suggestions welcome.

All the best

Jan-Oliver Wagner: www.intevation.de/~jan  | GISpatcher: www.gispatcher.de
Kolab Konsortium : www.kolab-konsortium.de | Thuban    : thuban.intevation.org
Intevation GmbH  : www.intevation.de       | Kolab     : www.kolab.org
FreeGIS          : www.freegis.org         | GAV       : www.grass-verein.de

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