[GRASS-dev] spam in bug tracker

Michael Tiemann tiemann at redhat.com
Wed Sep 27 08:34:31 EDT 2006

On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 00:04 +1200, Hamish wrote:

> Unless it gets really really really bad, I don't like requiring an
> account to submit bugs. This is something I really hate about Bugzilla,
> and I think there are all sorts of valid bugs we wouldn't find out about
> if such a policy was enacted.

I, too, hate having so many accounts around the web that I cannot keep
track of them all.  It's one reason why I hate pay-for wireless internet
as a travel around the world--too many places where I must sprinkle my
identity just to get a network connection.

I saw an excellent presentation at EuroOSCON about OpenID
( http://openid.net/ ) that is trying to crack the problem of Web-based
single sign-on.  There are an increasing number of sites that do accept
OpenID credentials, and I believe that it would be logical, at this
point, to try to circle all of the bugzilla wagons (Fedora, Red Hat,
GRASS, GNOME, gforge, etc) so that a single credential can be used by
all.  Would single sign-on address your problem Hamish?


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