[GRASS-dev] ascii export and import, large file problem

Helena Mitasova hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu
Thu Apr 12 21:02:37 EDT 2007


r.slope.aspect should work with lat-long, it calls G_distance that says

This routine computes the distance, in meters, from
* <b>x1</b>,<b>y1</b> to <b>x2</b>,<b>y2</b>. If the projection is
* latitude-longitude, this distance is measured along the geodesic. Two
* routines perform geodesic distance calculations.

It should also support the wrap-around.

Maybe this should be added to the man page.


Helena Mitasova
Dept. of Marine, Earth and Atm. Sciences
1125 Jordan Hall, NCSU Box 8208,
Raleigh NC 27695

On Apr 12, 2007, at 8:10 PM, Gerald Nelson wrote:

> This is related to my earlier question (to which noone responded)  
> about why the slope calculation can't take lat-long data and just  
> figure out the slope from the z values.
> The srtm elevation data comes in lat-long values in cells that are  
> square. In order to get slope, which we need for a cost map, we  
> project to a utm value in the center of the region we need  
> (UTM37N). Grass does this projection and generates rectangular  
> pixels. Then we do the slope calculation and other things to  
> generate a cost surface.
> We need the ascii output to read the cost data into our custom  
> neural net program (because we don't have any C programmers, just a  
> java programmer).
> So its possible that what we observed when we did the export/import  
> process is a function of the square/rectangular pixel issue  
> interacting with the arc export/import that assumes pixels are square.
> My ideal would be to not have to take the data out of lat-long, but  
> I have to do that to use the slope calculations.
> Hope this all makes some sense.
> Regards, Jerry
> ---- Original message ----
>> Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 23:58:16 +0100
>> From: Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
>> Subject: RE: [GRASS-dev] ascii export and import, large file problem
>> To: "Jerry Nelson" <gnelson at uiuc.edu>
>> Cc: "'grass-dev'" <grass-dev at grass.itc.it>
>> Jerry Nelson wrote:
>>>>> I'm using grass6.3 updated today so the large file support for  
>>>>> the ascii
>>>>> commands is included. I export a file using r.out.arc and then  
>>>>> read it back
>>>>> in using r.in.arc. The attached jpg shows the original raster  
>>>>> on the right.
>>>>> The screen on the left is the original raster minus the  
>>>>> exported and
>>>>> imported version. The bottom two thirds or so of the left  
>>>>> raster is zero, as
>>>>> it should be, but the top 1/3 has a bunch of small values  
>>>>> (range is - to
>>>>> +2.9).
>>>> My first guess is that the export->import process is changing the
>>>> vertical extent of the map slightly, so the calculation in the  
>>>> upper
>>>> portion of the map is using cells which are off by one row.
>>>> What does r.info say about the bounds of the two maps?
>>> To provide more info,
>>> The 'after' info
>>> Rows:         21048
>>> Res: 119.047796
>>> The 'before' info
>>> Rows:         21048
>>> Res: 119.05225396
>> 119.05225396 - 119.047796 = 0.00445796
>> 0.00445796 * 21048 = 93.8311421
>> So, the imported map has shrunk by almost a whole cell. That would
>> certainly explain the results.
>> Ah, I see where the problem lies:
>>> The 'before' info
>>> Res: 119.05225396
>>> Res: 119.04779557
>> Your cells aren't square, but the ArcGrid format doesn't appear to
>> allow for non-square cells (single "cellsize" value rather than
>> separate x/y values). r.out.arc uses the horizontal resolution for  
>> the
>> cellsize value; if the vertical resolution is different, you lose.
>> This specific issue can't be fixed. However, if the original data had
>> square cells, something is going wrong on the initial import.
>> We might want to add a check for this to r.out.arc. We can't actually
>> do anything beyond warn you that exporting will lose information,
>> although that's better than nothing.
>> -- 
>> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
> Gerald Nelson
> Professor, Dept. of Agricultural and Consumer Economics
> University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
> office: 217-333-6465
> cell: 217-390-7888
> 315 Mumford Hall
> 1301 W. Gregory
> Urbana, IL 61801
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