Fwd: [GRASS-dev] better mysql support

Emanuele Conti emanuele.conti at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 04:35:12 EDT 2007

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Emanuele Conti <emanuele.conti at gmail.com>
Date: 16-apr-2007 10.34
Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] better mysql support
To: Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

So, please, can anyone explain the meaning of the first to point in this
feaure list <http://grass.itc.it/grass60/index.php#features> of grass6,
where there is a direct and explicit mention to postgis?

2007/4/16, Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>:
> Emanuele Conti wrote:
> > I'm a university student and I'm doing a thesis on the integration of
> grass
> > with mysql. I found that grass has a good support for postgis
> GRASS doesn't specifically support PostGIS. The generic database
> interface (DBMI) has a driver for PostgreSQL. Also, v.{in,out}.ogr
> support whichever drivers GDAL/OGR was built with.
> > and I'd like
> > to duplicate all the main features available for this db for mysql,
> which
> > has geometry extensions (opengis compliant) and performs significantly
> > better than postgres. I downloaded grass 6.3 cvs source code yet and I
> > started to have a look to the code, but I've some questions:
> > - from the grass 6 features page I understood that with postGis it's no
> more
> > necessary to pass through gdal ogr translation: is this true? Is there a
> > direct db manipulation?
> > - what part of the code implements the direct "Export/Import to
> > *PostGIS"*(functions as
> > v.to.db and so on) and which directories and files should I look at?
> v.to.db uses the DBMI; the PostgreSQL driver is in
> db/drivers/postgres, while the MySQL driver is in db/drivers/mysql.
> --
> Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

Emanuele Conti
Senior Student at University ROMA TRE
Department of Informatics and Automation
ROME, Italy (matr. 251318)
Mob:       +39 328 2681070
Home:     +39 06 39741124
e-mail:     emanuele.conti at yahoo.com
y!:            emanuele_c
msn:         emanuele_c at yahoo.com

Emanuele Conti
Senior Student at University ROMA TRE
Department of Informatics and Automation
ROME, Italy (matr. 251318)
Mob:       +39 328 2681070
Home:     +39 06 39741124
e-mail:     emanuele.conti at yahoo.com
y!:            emanuele_c
msn:        emanuele_c at yahoo.com
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