[GRASS-dev] Re: SoC 2007

Markus Neteler neteler.osgeo at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 04:19:08 EDT 2007

(cc grass-dev, hope you don't mind)

On 4/14/07, Wolf Bergenheim <wolf+grass at bergenheim.net> wrote:
> Hi!
> Just writing to you to let you know that I have heard back from
> Maximilian Maldacker (who will write the shortest path through free
> vector space module).
> He will introduce himself on the developer list soonish.


I have seen that he posted to the grass-dev list - very good.

> On a side note; Markus (Frank, you may answer too ;)), what do you think
> would be better: to have the SoC students commit through our regular CVS
> (or svn if we have switched by 28.5) or as a GRASS extension?

Concerning the main repository:
We definitely won't switch to SVN quickly since it seems to be a slooooow
process (sigh).

Probably a GRASS SVN Addon would be best for now. We can easily
migrate it into the main trunk then. All changes necessary in the libs can
go directly into CVS of course so that the Addon stuff is compilable all
the time.

> In other
> words do you think this should be an extension module or a core module?
> I think it will be easier for the students to commit to the core, and
> that way I think they will feel more like part of the GRASS team. Thoughts?

For a module, the best breeding site might be the Addons SVN (however,
with your vector/v.label.sa/ we do differently).

Time to work out some rules for this. So I cc'ed to the dev list for
further discussion.


> --Wolf
> --
> <:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

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