[GRASS-dev] Replacement of NVIZ
Carlos "Guâno" Grohmann
carlos.grohmann at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 10:07:56 EDT 2007
Even though I am not a real developer, I just want to say that NVIZ
rocks! It could have some other features (like, create a view with a
oberserver at XXX YYY ZZZ looking to 275 deg north, or something) but
it's easy to use, and produce some really nice outputs. I just
submitted a paper comparing ArcGis and GRASS for morphometric analysis
(guess who won?) and the 3D image we use was made in NVIZ, because
ArcScene doesn't even get close to the beauty of NVIZ 3D image.
Having a [lightweighted] n-D visualizer integrated in the system
really makes a difference.
just my 0.02
On 4/23/07, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I agree that integration is good, but I do not think NVIZ is
> maintainable. I think a good and smooth link to an external 3d viewer
> (call it Paraview or whatever). Why exactly this could not be a
> replacement for nviz?
> We cannot do everything within grass: the dev team is small compare to
> the code base, and externalizing functions is the only way to make real
> progress, in my view.
> All the best.
> pc
> Michael Barton ha scritto:
> > So I hope that we can get NVIZ ported to wxPython and make it an even more
> > seamless part of the geospatial visualization tools for GRASS. Making
> > tighter connections between GRASS and other, external visualization tools is
> > also a worthy plan--similar to the integration between GRASS and R. But
> > IMHO, we should not abandon NVIZ or something like it.
> - --
> Paolo Cavallini
> http://www.faunalia.it/pc
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Carlos Henrique Grohmann - Guano
Geologist M.Sc - Doctorate Student at IGc-USP - Brazil
Linux User #89721 - carlos dot grohmann at gmail dot com
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