[GRASS-dev] [bug #4725] (grass) nviz crashed while volume
Hamish Bowman via RT
grass-bugs at intevation.de
Tue Apr 24 05:46:57 EDT 2007
NVIZ volume problem is not fixed. :(
--latest 6.3 CVS--
G63> nviz vol=vox50
#loads ok (see bug report for generating vox50)
# view height -> 75.0
Visualize -> Volumes
Isosurface [Add]
Segmentation fault
try again:
G63> nviz vol=vox50
#loads ok
Visualize -> Volumes
Isosurface [Add]
New Constant: 3000
# hey it took one!
Isosurface [Add]
New Constant:
# here it doesn't let me enter anything in the text box
New Constant: 2000 #now it gives me a cursor in the text box
invalid command name ".new_const.constant"
invalid command name ".new_const.constant"
while executing
"$w.constant get"
(procedure "create_constant_popup" line 27)
invoked from within
"create_constant_popup .new_const 1"
(procedure "aip_show_newconst" line 5)
invoked from within
"aip_show_newconst threshold"
invoked from within
".temporary_new_isosurf.f2.const invoke"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke]"
(procedure "tkButtonUp" line 7)
invoked from within
"tkButtonUp .temporary_new_isosurf.f2.const
(command bound to event)
# but it still adds the isosurface ok.
# same thing for adding more isosurfaces at 1000,500,...
6.2: the bug remains- NVIZ with vol= given on the command line locks up with
"Please wait..." window.
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