[GRASS-dev] Re: [grass-code I][354] v.digit freeze after "Display attributes" --> "New feature"

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 25 18:33:41 EDT 2007

> > >Comment By: Maciej Sieczka (msieczka)
> > There've been numerous issues with v.digit until recent fixes by
> > Glynn et all in GRASS 6.3 CVS. I've been bitten by  your problem
> > too. In 6.3 CVS v.digit is still not perfectly stable, but
> > definitely more reliable than in GRASS 6.2.1.

I accept that others have had problems with it, but for me the old 6.2
v.digit has always worked very well.

Can anyone point to **specific bug reports that cause a crash or data
loss, and are fixed in the 6.3-CVS version**?


> > Sadly, there are low chances the new code will be backported to
> > the planned 6.2.2 release.
> how complicated/risky do you see the backport of v.digit/tcl?

related: how bad really are the problems with 6.2.1's v.digit? What are
they specifically? Do they warrant the risk of releasing lightly tested
code as a replacement for a core module?


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