[GRASS-dev] Re: [grass-code I][329] r.out.gdal: COMPRESS=JPEG yields "ERROR 1: JPEGSetupEncode:PhotometricInterpretation 3 not allowed for JPEG"

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Sat Apr 28 03:05:16 EDT 2007

Maciej wrote:

> In spearfish:
> $ g.region rast=vegcover
> $ r.out.gdal input=vegcover format=GTiff type=Byte output=tmp/vegcover_jpg.tif createopt=COMPRESS=JPEG
> 100%
> ERROR 1: JPEGSetupEncode:PhotometricInterpretation 3 not allowed for JPEG
> ERROR 1: JPEGSetupEncode:PhotometricInterpretation 3 not allowed for JPEG
> ERROR 1: JPEGSetupEncode:PhotometricInterpretation 3 not allowed for JPEG
> ERROR 1: JPEGSetupEncode:PhotometricInterpretation 3 not allowed for JPEG
> Done!

This bug still applies. I don't know why "format=GTiff type=Byte
createopt=COMPRESS=JPEG" do not work together. The output raster is all
black. According to GeoTIFF spec JPEG compression should work just fine
with integer raster: "JPEG should only be used with Byte data" [1].


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