[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] GRASS6.3 on Windows

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 27 05:33:40 EDT 2007

Hamish wrote:
> > Before 6.3.0 is released I'd like to finish off this wish:
> > 
> > Lat/Lon locations should format the Map Display statusbar x,y string into
> > 45°59.9999'S  170°59.9999'W, not as decimal -45.999999  170.999999.
> > 
> >   http://wald.intevation.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=401

Michael wrote:
> This is one reason I haven't pursued this. The other is that for many GIS
> uses, decimal degrees are easier to work with than degrees minutes
> seconds--even though the latter might look nicer.

I had intended to put in code for all of DDD.DDDDDD (already there),
DDD^MM.MMMM', and DDD^MM'SS.SSS", then tell the mouse fn to use the
DM.MMM fn. Idea was in future someone can make that a radio button option
in a setup screen without too much effort.

To me, DDD MM.MMMM is the most useyul as that's what GPSs commonly

> > There remains an unanswered question if "\xB0" produces a degree symbol
> > on all platforms.
> >
> > test:
> >  $ echo puts "90\xB0" | wish
> I tried this and it didn't work. Nothing printed in the wish screen. But
> it may be the test rather than the \xB0 code. Also need to try on Windows.

look on the terminal, not in the wish screen.

> \xB0 is a degree symbol in ISO-8859-1. If you're using another
> encoding (e.g. UTF-8), you need to use something else. Some encodings
> e.g. ISO-8859-5 = Cyrillic) don't have a degree symbol.

How do other softwares deal with this?
Would one UTF-8 code cover all of UTF-8 or just one locale? ie if we test
locale we can cover both ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8 which would cover the
majority of users, for everyone else we could just make it a blank space.

Do tcl/tk text objects have any support for superscripts/tex? I'm
thinking a lower case "o" placed way up high, ^{o}.


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