[GRASS-dev] [grass-code I][572] v.in.ogr segmentation fault on large dataset

grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Mon Dec 31 19:10:40 EST 2007

code I item #572, was opened at 2007-12-31 16:10
Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: John Tull (jctull)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: v.in.ogr segmentation fault on large dataset 
Issue type: module bug
Issue status: None
GRASS component: vector
Operating system: MacOS X
Operating system version: 10.5 w/ Kyngesburye frameworks
GRASS CVS checkout date, if applies (YYMMDD): rc3

Initial Comment:
Using William Kyngesburye's 6.3rc2 64-bit binary, v.in.ogr dies with a segmentation fault when trying to import a large (7524 features) shapefile. Same result when trying to import same data from postgis or when using dbf driver. After converting v.in.ogr to a 32-bit binary, the import worked. Could be a 64-bit only problem.

Debug output:
GRASS 6.3.0RC3 (location_name):~ > v.in.ogr dsn="PG:dbname=postgis" layer=test out=test type=centroid,boundary -o
Over-riding projection check
D1/1: Vect_set_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/1: V1_open_new_nat(): name = nnhp_obs
D1/1: Vect_get_thresh(): thresh = 0.000000
D1/1: dig__write_head()
D1/1: write coor size (0) to head
D1/1: dig_spidx_init()
Layer: test
D1/1: Vect_default_field_info(): map = test field = 1
D1/1: Vect_write_dblinks(): map = test, mapset = user
D1/1: dbln file: /Users/user/test/dbln
D1/1: 1 nnhp_obs cat $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME/$MAPSET/sql/sqlite.db sqlite
D1/1: Dblinks written
Importing map 7524 features...
Building topology ...
Break polygons:
Registering points ... 362603
All points (vertices): 397898
Registered points (unique coordinates): 362603
Points marked for break:  7557
Breaks:    79Segmentation fault


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