[bug #5488] (grass) Re: [GRASS-dev] v.digit: Could not set Tcl system encoding fixed (bug #4110)

Request Tracker grass-bugs at intevation.de
Fri Feb 9 03:10:30 EST 2007

this bug's URL: http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=5488

Glynn Clements wrote on 02/08/2007 11:38 PM:
> Markus Neteler wrote:
>>>>>> Roberto Flor and me have fixed the bug
>>>>>> "v.digit: Could not set Tcl system encoding"
>>>>>> http://intevation.de/rt/webrt?serial_num=4110
>>>>>> Please test. I'll backport it to 6.2.x then.
>>>>>> Note: For mysterious Tcl (?) reasons I cannot set iso8859-1 and iso8859-2
>>>>>> but utf-8, iso8859-15, iso2210-jp, koi8-r, euc-jp etc work.
>>>>>> Maybe my installation...
>>>>> I confirm. Same happens on my instalation. tcl/tk 8.4.12, Ubuntu Dapper
>>>>> 32bit.
>>>> So we are happy since most of the encodings now work.
>>> Not having ISO-8859-1 working is a pretty major issue.
>> I am still not sure if it is a local problem or a general one or depends 
>> on the tcltk version.
>>> Can you provide more details, preferably including a recipe to
>>> reproduce the issue using either spearfish or a new location?
>> Sure (eg Spearfish):
>> d.mon x0
>> v.digit -n newmap
>> # now go to "Settings" icon, "Table" tab, "Add column", add a column of 
>> your choice, "Create table"
>> # close the "Settings" window
>> # digitize a line
>> # enter a value into the attribute popup form
>> # "submit button" (default is utf-8 which seems to work)
>> # change the encoding, click "submit button" again and voila' the error 
>> appear in the terminal
> Okay.
> I'm pretty sure that the problem is that lib/form/form.c doesn't call
> Tcl_Main(), so the library path doesn't get set, so Tcl can't find its
> .enc files.
> Realistically, if you are trying to use Tcl/Tk and your program
> *doesn't* look very much like tkAppInit.c, all bets are off.
> Rather than trying to process the data from the form library in C,
> form.c should just register the commands then do the rest in Tcl.
Since I know nothing about tcl, I'll leave that to the experts. AFAIK 
form.c was
originally written by Radim.


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To: Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>
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Subject: Re: [GRASS-dev] v.digit: Could not set Tcl system encoding fixed
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