Radek Bartoň xbarto33 at stud.fit.vutbr.cz
Wed Feb 21 14:21:33 EST 2007

On Wednesday 21 of February 2007 17:44:01 Michael Barton wrote:

> If there are to be major improvements or restructuring of the GRASS code,
> it will benefit more people if it takes place within the (very loose)
> structure of the GRASS community and existing code base. For example, Glynn
> Clements has put in an enormous amount of work to modernize and update code
> recently. He could really use some expert help with this.
> If you are starting a completely new GIS project from scratch, this is
> great. But giving it the name GRASS is misleading to potential users--even
> more so if it has no relationship with the existing project except the
> name.

My intention is that GRASS-TNG would have more common with GRASS than just 
name. For now it's only idea how to put core things together as flexible as 
possible no matter what they will do. They can be then interally implemented 
using current grass libraries or completely new way depending on how would it 
be better. From external point of view it should provide very powerfull tool 
to implement GRASS modules using their algorithms quickly and transparently 
so that probability of programming errors would be less than i plain C (i. e. 
a few lines of Python code can substitude a lot of C code lines)  In any case 
it should be result of vaste discussion between GRASS comuntity.

> IMHO, I wish you would be willing to contribute your expertise to the
> existing project, which can always use new developers. However, if you
> prefer not to do this and would rather start a new project, I'd prefer that
> you named it something other than GRASS to avoid confusion.

It shouldn't be a project in means of independent piece of software with own 
support and team but more just case study how can be things organized. Even 
if it'll end after a year or two with no useable implementation it can bring 
some ideas and directions of how to involve current GRASS in the future. 

Bc. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: xbarto33 at stud.fit.vutbr.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: blackhex at jabber.cz

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