Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Thu Feb 22 01:00:56 EST 2007

On 2/21/07 5:04 PM, "Radek Bartoň" <xbarto33 at stud.fit.vutbr.cz> wrote:

> If there is a problem calling this project GRASS-TNG (legal or moral) I'm
> sorry and I'll change a name but I'd like to hear this from someone how can
> trully say that (Markus? or maybe you?). This name wasn't purely just my idea
> and name does not matter. This kind of project can live even without any name
> since there are no commertial interests

I'll try to explain a bit here and then I'll shut up so as not to belabor
this any more. 

What you've proposed is pretty much like me saying. I like the way that
Microsoft Word has some very useful editing features, integrated spell
checker, sophisticated page layout, ability to integrate graphics and text,
etc. I also like the idea of pull down menus, button bars, tool boxes, etc.
But the code for MS Word is bloated and inefficient, and I think the
interface could be much improved. So I'm going to go develop a completely
new word processor...new code, different programming language, snazzier
interface. But because it will have those features that I liked in MS Word
(i.e., the ones I mentioned above), I'm going to call it Microsoft Word II.

If I did that, the Redmond legal team would probably have me for lunch as
soon as my announcement hit the internet. And they would be well within
their rights to do so. In fact there are a number of open source projects to
build a better word processor, but they are not called Microsoft Word II
(e.g., OO Write, AbiWord).

I don't know enough about the GPL to address the legal aspects of calling a
different project by the GRASS name, but there are practical and moral ones.
GRASS has a history that goes back to the beginnings of GIS, and has long
been used in research and government. Markus Neteler and his colleagues
deserve a lot of thanks for rescuing and reviving GRASS under the GPL after
it was cut adrift by the US Army. GRASS has evolved at an increasing rate
since then (though too slow for some and too fast for others). It's nice
that you admire the project and its history. But this is not a reason to
name a completely independent programming project "GRASS". The people who
have worked on the GRASS project have tried to give it a unique and
respected identity in the GIS world, investing an enormous number of
volunteer hours to do so (see stats at
<http://www.ohloh.net/projects/3666>). Giving a completely different product
the GRASS name, takes away from that identity, even if done with good
intentions, and can mislead potential users who think that the projects are
related in some way.

So if you are set on starting a new GIS programming project and want to
honor the history and concept of GRASS, please do so with a kind statement
on your project web site and a link to <http://grass.itc.it>. But please do
not name your project GRASS.

Well, that's been more like 25-cents worth of comments on my part, which is
more than enough for anyone to read in one day. So I'll sign off.


Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

WWW - http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton
Phone: 480-965-6262
Fax: 480-965-7671

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