Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Thu Feb 22 16:45:56 EST 2007

Radek Barto-Bň wrote:-A

> OK. Since there is a problem I'll change a name. I can name it for instance 
> GAL as an acronym for "GRASS Abstraction Layer". If it is stil too close to 
> GRASS name G could be a acronym for GIS? But as I said, I don't want to be 
> completely independent  from GRASS development. I'd like to provide another 
> way how to implement new or reimplement existing modules to GRASS for those 
> who don't want to deal with plain C. If this seems to you as a different 
> project with no connection to GRASS, all right it can be developed 
> separatelly but if you'll consider that my project could live within GRASS in 
> future please let me know and we can cooperate.

Right now, I don't see the connection to GRASS, other than that both
projects are GISs. If you change the API, then you need to change both
the libraries and the modules, so what's left?

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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