[GRASS-dev] Re: GRASS startup window patches

Maris Nartiss maris.gis at gmail.com
Sat Jan 6 14:10:30 EST 2007

Hi all of You!
I was not going to spawn such discussion, but it's damn good, as,
hopefully, it will make GRASS more lamer friendly :)

I have to apologizes about forgetting describe my patches. In my mind
I was already looking how to fix other GRASS startup screen issues
(Yes, there still are some of them) and forgot to tell everyone about
what I'm doing. My apologies to all of you.

I recreated gis_set patch with -b option, as it seems, that my text
editor (kate) has set to strip whitespace at end of lines thus ending
in unnecessary changes. Sorry about that. I still have to learn all
that dev stuff :)
As Michael has introduced refresh_loc procedure to refresh location
list as result of any changes, I changed all places that had own
location refresh code to use new location refreshments code.
Second thing - previous code was safely expecting, that "cd" will
never fail. I added new procedure to catch "cd" errors.
Test yourself: cd GISDBASE && chmod -x LOCATION && grass63 && play around

One HUGE startup screen issue is still remaining (aside from new
location creation) - user can enter as mapset/location name
characters, that will NOT be supported by GRASS (i.e. mapset with
UTF-8 coded character). That's why I wrote email about what is allowed
in location/mapset/map names and what is not [1]. Please, take 5 mins
of your precious time to answer. Thank You!

Thank you all for your great work and let's try to make GRASS pass
"The Monkey" [2] test :)


[1] http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grass-dev/2007-January/028360.html
[2] http://www.folklore.org/StoryView.py?project=Macintosh&story=Monkey_Lives.txt&sortOrder=Sort%20by%20Date&detail=medium
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