[GRASS-dev] GRASS startup screen patches && Gforge

Wolf Bergehneim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Sun Jan 21 18:54:57 EST 2007

Maris Nartiss wrote:
> Just makes small improvements to startup screen. Like preselects newly
> created mapset/location, disables mapset creation in invalid locations
> etc. Full change list at GF.
> http://wald.intevation.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=263&group_id=21&atid=205 
> This one is a bit more discussion worth. It adds restrictions on
> creating new location/mapset from startup screen to allow only Latin
> letters and numbers, "-" and "_" symbols in loc/ms name.

> 1) Allowed symbol list can be easily extended. But allowed symbols
> should be allowed in *nix/Mac/Win on all common file systems in
> directory names;

Uhumm... Currently I use mapsets that also include dots "." As in 
Maa-123.450, and this has worked so far, and I'd wish for it to remain 
the same.

> 2) Restriction to have at least one letter in name IMHO is just sane;

I'm not so sure about that. someone might want to name a region to the 
current grid name, which could be a number, would make a lot of sense to 
me to allow numeric only names, in everything, that is vectors, rasters, 
locations, mapsets, etc.

> 3) Currently GRASS can NOT handle any other letter except Latin on
> multi byte locales. As uni byte locales must die (except those, with
> plain Latin letters only) as they are only source of problems and
> nothing else (I have files with Latvian/Russian/German names in one
> folder - UTF is a must). Till GRASS start support multi byte locales,
> it's sane restriction. Till that happens, I can only say: "Хюстон, у
> нас проблема" (I hope, I spelled it right ;)

I agree UTF support is a must! I think that UTF support should be 
something we want to have ASAP. I don't know how much work it would be 
to support UTF-8, but I don't believe that it would be very much.



<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

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