[GRASS-dev] New grass pde lib + modules in cvs

Soeren Gebbert soerengebbert at gmx.de
Wed Jan 24 17:53:18 EST 2007

Dear developers,
i just committed the grass pde lib "gpde" and two groundwater flow calculation 
modules to CVS.
If you want to try out the new lib and the modules then just download the 
test-location i have created:


Start the latest CVS build of grass63 with this location and execute this 
little script:

#################### start #########################
g.region res=25 res3=25 t=100 b=0 n=1000 s=0 w=0 e=1000

r.mapcalc "phead=if(row() == 1 , 50, 40)"
r.mapcalc "status=if(row() == 1 , 2, 1)"
r.mapcalc "well=if(row() == 20 && col() == 20 , -0.001, 0)"
r.mapcalc "perm=0.00025"
r.mapcalc "reacharge=0"
r.mapcalc "top_conf=70"
r.mapcalc "top_unconf=130"
r.mapcalc "bottom=0"
r.mapcalc "poros=0.15"
r.mapcalc "syield=0.0001"

#confined groundwater flow
r.gwflow --o -s solver=0 top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=phead status=status 
kf_x=perm kf_y=perm q=well s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf 
dt=8640000 type=confined

#unconfined groundwater flow
r.gwflow --o -s solver=0 top=top_unconf bottom=bottom phead=phead 
status=status kf_x=perm kf_y=perm q=well s=poros r=reacharge 
output=gwresult_unconf dt=8640000 type=unconfined

r3.mapcalc "phead=if(row() == 1 && depth() == 4, 50, 40)"
r3.mapcalc "status=if(row() == 1 && depth() == 4, 2, 1)"
r3.mapcalc "well=if(row() == 20 && col() == 20 , -0.00025, 0)"
r3.mapcalc "perm=0.00025"
r3.mapcalc "syield=0.0001"

#confined groundwater flow in 3d
r3.gwflow --o -s solver=0 phead=phead status=status kf_x=perm kf_y=perm 
kf_z=perm q=well s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult dt=8640000
####################### end ######################

Now all needed maps are created and the groundwater flow for raster and voxel 
maps are calculated.

If you want to compare the implemented linear equation solvers, execute the 
following commands:

#sparse matrix and cg (conjugate gradients) method
r.gwflow --o -s solver=0 top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=phead status=status 
kf_x=perm kf_y=perm q=well s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf

#sparse matrix and bicgstab (biconjugate gradients) method
r.gwflow --o -s solver=1 top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=phead status=status 
kf_x=perm kf_y=perm q=well s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf

#quadratic matrix and cg (conjugate gradients) method
r.gwflow --o solver=0 top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=phead status=status 
kf_x=perm kf_y=perm q=well s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf

#quadratic matrix and bicgstab (biconjugate gradients) method
r.gwflow --o solver=1 top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=phead status=status 
kf_x=perm kf_y=perm q=well s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf

#quadratic matrix and LU decomposition
r.gwflow --o solver=2 top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=phead status=status 
kf_x=perm kf_y=perm q=well s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf

#quadratic matrix and GAUSS elimination
r.gwflow --o solver=3 top=top_conf bottom=bottom phead=phead status=status 
kf_x=perm kf_y=perm q=well s=syield r=reacharge output=gwresult_conf

All solvers work in parallel if you use an OpenMP capable compiler (gcc-4.2, 
icc, xlc_r) and if you activate OpenMP support. (normally compiler/linker  
flags eg: -fopenmp for gcc-4.2)

I hope everything works, because the lib and the modules are still early beta.

Best regards

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