[GRASS-dev] how to display a vector map for d.path in gis.m?

Otto Dassau otto.dassau at gmx.de
Tue Jan 30 04:43:56 EST 2007

Hi Moritz,

On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:03:10 +0100
Moritz Lennert <mlennert at club.worldonline.be> wrote:

> On 30/01/07 08:37, Otto Dassau wrote:
> > Hi, 
> > 
> > I used the d.path module in gis.m and found that the map I chose for
> > the shortest path is not automatically displayed in the background. So I
have a
> > white monitor where I can select my starting and end nodes to display a red
> > line.
> > 
> > Is this missing or how do I have to use the module correctly in gis.m to
> > a vector map in the background? I used a grass cvs snapshot from today and
> > with spearfish roads map.
> d.path uses the old monitor system, not the new gis.m display, so when 
> you launch it through the gis.m menu, an x-monitor opens (with something 
> like Monitor: x0 written in the title bar). You can display whatever you 
> want in this monitor by using the command line, e.g.:
> d.vect roads

thanks for your help,

yes I saw that, but I think that it might  be more intuitive for a user to
have the selected map for d.path visualized directly in the new x-monitor, when
when you click on start.  

I mean, it is not an error, and of course one can easily type a d.vect roads
command or whatever, but I found it strange that klicking on start you get an
empty x-monitor and a usage desription for the mouse buttons in the Output
monitor, but the map you selected in the d.path popup is not automatically

Maybe it is just my impression, so for me there is simply sth. missing. Could
that not be added or is this difficult or not wanted?

maybe I should add a wish to the bugtracker... but I wanted to ask, if there is
a special reason, why the selected map isn't displayed in the new x-monitor.


> Moritz


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