[GRASS-dev] executing r.example

Juan Diego Giraldo Osorio Juan.Giraldo at upct.es
Fri Jun 1 05:39:39 EDT 2007


Today I have ran the r.example code. Thanks to all.

However, I have several problems executing grass62:

- When I get in to grass, the program shows a (new!!!) interface. I
select the Mapset and Location, and when I do click on "Enter Grass",
the prompt shows this:
GRASS 6.2.1 (METEOSAT):~ > g.region: error while loading shared
libraries: libgdal.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or

-When I execute g.region...
GRASS 6.2.1 (METEOSAT):~ > g.region
g.region: error while loading shared libraries: libgdal.so.1: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

- When I try to execute r.in.gdal...
GRASS 6.2.1 (METEOSAT):~ > r.in.gdal
r.in.gdal: error while loading shared libraries: libproj.so.0: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have the libgdal.so.1 in /usr/lib directory, and both files
(libgdal.so.1 and libproj.so.0) in /usr/local/lib. How can I overcome
these problems??



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