Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 4 18:11:13 EST 2007

Thierry wrote:
> Glossary proposal for gis "database" naming scheme
> Hence I propose to replace GISDATABASE by: DATASTORE.

DATASTORE is a fine suggestion, the best I've heard so far. See also
email threads discussing the wording of the start-up mapset-picker menu.

> Note 2: in CERL GRASS, the gis environment variable LOCATION_NAME was
> used for the "location", while LOCATION was set to the full path. I
> have found that indeed, for users, LOCATION should be set to the
> location name, symetric with the use of MAPSET. The full pathname is
> only used in scripts, since the gis has dedicated functions to
> precisely find a name in its databases or tables (locations and
> mapsets). Any comments? -- 

In GPL GRASS 6 LOCATION_NAME is still a GIS variable (stored in
~/.grassrc6 and not a shell variable*) and viewed/changed with the
g.gisenv module. LOCATION_NAME is just the name, not the path.
GISDBASE has the path.

The shell variable $LOCATION has been abandoned, but a number of scripts
do this to recreate it:  (due to path of least modification after
$LOCATION was dropped)

eval `g.gisenv`

[*] not a shell variable to allow child process (the GUI menus) to
adjust variables which affect the parent, and thus new non-derivative
sibling processes. [e.g. switch mapsets without exiting GRASS]


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