[GRASS-dev] GRASS 7 timeline

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Mar 14 09:58:36 EDT 2007

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On 14/03/07 14:19, Markus Neteler wrote:
> [merging in Glynn's answer at bottom]
> On Wed, Mar 14, 2007 at 08:02:18PM +1300, Hamish wrote:
>> Glynn Clements wrote:
>>> Is there an expected timeline for 7.x?
>> That is entirely up to the fine folks on this list; I would guess that
>> when the time comes, we know & we do it. Maybe then is now? I would not
>> object to it happening as soon as the SVN server is up and running. (no
>> technical reason for that, just a nice time for it to happen)
> We can seriously think about it once the migration to SVN is
> done.
>> my wishes for the GRASS 7.0.0 release
>> * native MS windows fully stable and equal
>>   - worthy of a major point release, if simply for the PR value
> I hope to see major MS-Windows support already in 6.3.0!
> At least we were telling so for some months... and not too
> much seems to be missing.

Well, at this stage Paul and I (whenever work and kids leave me some
time) seem to be the only ones actually working on this. If this is such
a priority, then more people need to become involved, at least for testing.

I have only started a more systematic test drive and have already come
up with a whole series of issues (of which some might not be winGRASS
related). And this is only using some very basic import/export and
display modules...

Maybe we should make daily/weekly binary snapshots available so that
every person on this list that has access to a windows machine can try
to reproduce the last three tasks they did in GNU/Linux, Cygwin or Mac
OSX with the native version ?

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