[GRASS-dev] Re: [grass-code I][394] scripts using g.message fail if message contains "="

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed May 9 07:02:53 EDT 2007

Markus Neteler wrote:
> I observed a similar problem in my new v.in.wfs script
> (get from http://mpa.itc.it/markus/grass63/): The WFS URL is
> disliked by g.parser. I worked around this with ugly hacks but
> I think that we need a new parameter type which accepts chars
> such as '=', '&' and so forth. I used file,file,file in v.in.wfs
> but would prefer something else.

It works fine for me with the attached changes.

* you can't use g.message outside of grass;
   ## g.message "..." >&2 ##  is redundant
* be pedantic about quoting

G63> ./v.in.wfs \
eature&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0" out=wfs_test

Over-riding projection check.
Proceeding with import...
Layer: myns:GRASS_users
WARNING: Column name changed: 'myns:ogc_fid' -> 'myns_ogc_fid'
WARNING: Column name changed: 'myns:name' -> 'myns_name'
WARNING: Width for column 'myns_name' set to 255 (was not specified by
         OGR), some strings may be truncated!
WARNING: Column name changed: 'myns:company' -> 'myns_company'
WARNING: Width for column 'myns_company' set to 255 (was not specified
         by OGR), some strings may be truncated!
Importing map 786 features...
Building topology ...
786 primitives registered      
Building areas:  100%
0 areas built      
0 isles built
Attaching islands: 
Attaching centroids:  100%
Topology was built.
Number of nodes     :   784
Number of primitives:   786
Number of points    :   786
Number of lines     :   0
Number of boundaries:   0
Number of centroids :   0
Number of areas     :   0
Number of isles     :   0
Vector points map <wfs_test> imported from WFS.

#silly test
G63> v.db.select wfs_test where="myns_name ~ 'Markus'"
676|2|Markus Neteler|ITC-irst (Povo)
722|201|Markus Spring|RGU München
723|202|Markus Spring|RGU München
G63> d.vect wfs_test cat=676 col=green width=2

We should (finally) add a flag to v.db.select to allow output of x,y,z
info, or probably better* add to v.out.ascii where= and column(s)=
options to output DB values. There is my v.out.ascii.db, but it's a
slow hack.

[*] single cat can be linked to multiple vector features

-------------- next part --------------
--- v.in.wfs.ORIGINAL	2007-05-09 22:23:14.000000000 +1200
+++ v.in.wfs	2007-05-09 22:39:52.000000000 +1200
@@ -20,66 +20,53 @@
 #% key: wfs
-#% gisprompt: file,file,file
 #% type: string
 #% description: GetFeature URL starting with http
-#% required : no
 #% key: output
 #% type: string
 #% gisprompt: new,vector,vector
-#% description: vector output map
+#% description: Vector output map
 #% required : yes
 if  [ -z "$GISBASE" ] ; then
-    g.message -e "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program."
- exit 1
+    echo "You must be in GRASS GIS to run this program." 1>&2
+    exit 1
 if [ "$1" != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ] ; then
-    CMDLINE="`basename $0`"
-    for arg in "$@" ; do
-        CMDLINE="$CMDLINE \"$arg\""
-    done
-    export CMDLINE
-      # $2 is a dirty hack:
-    exec g.parser "$0" "$2"
+    exec g.parser "$0" "$@"
-PROG=`basename $0`
 # xerces support compiled in?
 OGRINFO=`which ogrinfo`
-if [ "`ldd $OGRINFO | grep xerces`" = "" ] ; then
+if [ -z "`ldd $OGRINFO | grep xerces`" ] ; then
   g.message -e "OGR needs to be compiled with xerces-c support"
   exit 1
 #### check if we have lynx
 if [ ! -x "`which lynx`" ] ; then
-    g.message -e "$PROG: lynx required, please install first" 2>&1
+    g.message -e "'lynx' is required, please install first"
     exit 1
 TMP="`g.tempfile pid=$$`"
 if [ $? -ne 0 ] || [ -z "$TMP" ] ; then
-    g.message -e "Unable to create temporary files" 1>&2
+    g.message -e "Unable to create temporary files"
     exit 1
+g.message "Retrieving data ..."
+lynx -dump "$WFS_URL" > "$TMP.xml"
-# hack the hack
-WFS="`echo $CMDLINE | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'=' -f2- | tr -s '"' ' '`"
-WFS="`echo $WFS | sed 's+ $++g'`"
-lynx -dump "$WFS" > $TMP.xml
-v.in.ogr dsn=$TMP.xml out=$OUT -o
-rm -f $TMP.xml
-g.message "Vector points map <$OUT> imported from WFS"
+v.in.ogr dsn="$TMP.xml" out=$OUT -o
+rm -f "$TMP.xml"
+g.message "Vector points map <$OUT> imported from WFS."
-------------- next part --------------
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