[GRASS-dev] another plea for consistency

Michael Barton michael.barton at asu.edu
Thu May 17 22:49:19 EDT 2007

I¹m trying to script from the output of g.proj. Here is an example of the
output from 4 different locations. Note the differences.

The order of the key : value pairs varies somewhat.

Why can¹t an xy location have units? Why isn¹t it¹s output proj  : xy?

In the PROJ_UNITS field, sometimes there are American meters and other times
British metres in the values. In the keys, there is meter and meters for the
same key name.

These are all trivial when you are just looking at the output on the screen,
but a pain when you want to script this and check for values. It would help
a lot if we could standardize these things.

1) a LatLon location

proj       : ll
ellps      : wgs84
name       : Lat/Lon
a          : 6378137
es         : 0.0066943800
unit       : degree
units      : degrees
meter      : 1.0

2) a UTM location 

name       : UTM
datum      : nad27
nadgrids   : conus
proj       : utm
ellps      : clark66
a          : 6378206.4000000004
es         : 0.0067686580
f          : 294.9786982000
zone       : 13
unit       : meter
units      : meters
meters     : 1.0

3) an XY location

XY location (unprojected)

4) a Lambert location

name       : Lambert Conformal Conic
proj       : lcc
ellps      : clark66
lat_1      : 60
lat_2      : 46
lat_0      : 44
lon_0      : -68.5
x_0        : 0
y_0        : 0
no_defs    : defined
unit       : metre
units      : metres
meters     : 1

Michael Barton, Professor of Anthropology
School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Center for Social Dynamics & Complexity
Arizona State University

phone: 480-965-6213
fax: 480-965-7671
www: http://www.public.asu.edu/~cmbarton

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