[GRASS-dev] v.prune with Douglas-Peucker
Markus Metz
markus_metz at gmx.de
Sat May 19 03:57:35 EDT 2007
Hello all,
I encountered a few problems while pruning vector boundaries and decided
to try to update the algorithm. The biggest problem with the old
algorithm was that it didn't work in latlon. From previous mails to to
list I got the idea to use the Douglas-Peucker algorithm as implemented
in gshhs_dp for pruning lines and boundaries. The algorithm in gshhs was
tailored to latlon, but I wanted it to work in any projection and use
map units. This is now realized, it works both in latlon and in
projections with meters or anything else as map units. The attached
prune.c goes to lib/vector/diglib/prune.c The threshold is the deviation
of a given point from a straight line connecting the two adjacent points
and should be not more than half the map resolution. Using insanely
large thresholds can result in duplicate centroids. In my test map with
146000 vertices, 3109 centroids and 4294 areas (areas without centroids
are islands, this is wanted), I got 2 duplicate centroids when the
threshold was 1000x map resolution, an insane threshold removing over
80% of the vertices. The algorithm itself does not change the first and
last point, so there is no more need to pass a boundary without the
first and last point to the algorithm. That means that
vector/v.clean/prune.c can be modified accordingly.
As before, there is a first routine removing duplicate points. Is there
a reason for duplicate points in lines or boundaries? If not, why are
they there at all? I converted rasters to vectors extracting areas and
typically had above 30% duplicate vertices. Working with large vectors
with millions of vertices, they are clogging up the vector. So something
for the wish list would be to have line and area vectors without
duplicate vertices after map conversions. For the time being, prune
should be first run with a threshold of 0.0 as before to remove
duplicate centroids. Then lines and boundaries can be pruned beginning
with a small threshold and increasing it gently (e.g. next threshold =
2x previous threshold), until the vector is satisfyingly reduced while
preserving the desired amount of detail.
So far I tested the new Douglas-Peucker algorithm in different
projections and it works fine. But I only tested it on my system (FC6
x86_64, gcc-4.1.1) with grass-6.2.1 and grass-6.3 cvs snapshot from
12.5.2007. If anybody is interested in testing the new algorithm and
help make it the new standard for GRASS, please do!
CAUTION: I'm not a programmer, I'm a biologist by training doing GIS and
remote sensing work, so I can't guarantee for the code. I tried my best.
Markus (not Neteler but Metz)
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