[GRASS-dev] can wxPython GUI handle order of options for v.type and alike?

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Wed May 23 20:32:05 EDT 2007

Hamish wrote:

> > > maybe use a wrapper script that has the possible combinations as
> > > flags?
> Michael Barton wrote:
> > Can't these just be options/flags for v.type? The user could set one
> > or more.
> This makes for a lot of flags.
> And how to set flags as mutually exclusive radio buttons not checkboxes?
>  [ ] point -> centroid
>  [*] centroid -> point
>  [ ] line -> boundary
>  [ ] boundary -> line
>  [ ] kernel -> centroid
>  [ ] centroid -> kernel
>  [ ] face -> boundary
>  [ ] boundary -> face
>  [ ] kernel -> point
>  [ ] point -> kernel
>  [ ] face -> line
>  [ ] line -> face
> or add two options:
> from=[list]
> to=[list]
> then testing of to/from compatibility in the code?
> I don't think allowing multiple operations in the same run is so clear.
> (type=line,boundary,point,centroid)

Each type can only be converted at most once, so the most general case
is 6 x 3-way choices, i.e.

	(*) point -> centroid
	( ) point -> kernel
	( ) point -> point (i.e. leave untouched)

	(*) kernel -> centroid
	( ) kernel -> point
	( ) kernel -> kernel (i.e. leave untouched)


Multiple operations shouldn't be a problem; you just need to test the
original type, not the resulting type, so selecting both
point->centroid and centroid->kernel doesn't convert

IOW, a "case" statement or an if/else-if/else-if/else structure rather
than sequential "if" statements.

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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