No subject

Wed Nov 14 13:37:45 EST 2007

deals with temporal data. (But I am a total newbie to GIS and GRASS so
I may have missed something obvious, just let me know.) I can imagine
many applications that have temporal elements, (ie. changes with
seasons, or from year to year). How have users of GRASS typically
dealt with these kinds of data?

If the current GRASS support isn't sufficient for what I need, then I
plan to implement whatever it takes. I'm an experienced C programmer,
and there are a couple of projects here at ISI that could benefit
from this. I would be interested to hear suggestions from more
experienced GRASS developers on what the right approach might be to
incorporate this into GRASS.



Carl Worth                                        
USC Information Sciences Institute                 cworth at
3811 N. Fairfax Dr. #200, Arlington VA 22203		  703-812-3725

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