[GRASS-dev] i.rectify should test for illegal file names before launching rectification

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Mon Nov 5 16:52:41 EST 2007

On Mon, November 5, 2007 22:24, Glynn Clements wrote:
> Moritz Lennert wrote:
>> >> If you give an illegal output name to i.rectify, this is only tested
>> >> after rectification. This should be done before in order to have to
>> wait
>> >> for the whole process to finish to then notice it won't work.
>> >>
>> > Right - I guess
>> >  G_legal_filename()
>> > at the beginning would do the job.
>> Yes, just make sure to check the given output filename + the given
>> extension.
> Oh; you're talking about illegal *file* names (as opposed to map
> names)?

No sorry, I meant map names.

>> BTW anyone know how to give an empty extension in the tcltk gui ? On the
>> command line I can use extension="", but in the gui I get an error
>> because of an illegal ".
> On the command line, using:
> 	extension=""
> is the same as using just:
> 	extension=
> The quotes are removed by the shell.

Thanks for the info.

> More generally, Tcl requires any quotes to go around the entire
> "word", so a command line argument such as:
> 	text="hello world"
> would need to be entered as
> 	"text=hello world"
> or:
> 	{text=hello world}

So what would be the tcltk gui equivalent of extension= or extension="" 
? "Extension" is a text field to be filled in. So as a result you get a 
command line with extension=anything you put in the field (without any 
quotes. However, leaving the field empty does not work, as it is a 
required field. '""' doesn't work either. Would it work if the gui used 
curly braces around the result ? I.e. how to indicate an empty string to 
the gui ?


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