[GRASS-dev] [grass-code I][540] NVIZ viewpoint position window breaks when reloading 3D settings

grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
Tue Nov 27 12:02:04 EST 2007

code I item #540, was opened at 2007-11-27 10:02
Status: Open
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Tom Russo (tvrusso)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: NVIZ viewpoint position window breaks when reloading 3D settings 
Issue type: module bug
Issue status: None
GRASS component: NVIZ
Operating system: BSD
Operating system version: FreeBSD 6-STABLE
GRASS CVS checkout date, if applies (YYMMDD): 071123

Initial Comment:
I attempted to save and then restore 3D settings using NVIZ's "Save 3d settings" menu item.

Upon reloading the 3d settings file, I get an error message:
bad window path name ".middle.panelarea.panels.main.midf.pos"
bad window path name ".middle.panelarea.panels.main.midf.pos"
    while executing
"pack $XY $Nv_(HEIGHT_SLIDER) -side left -before $Nv_(EXAG_SLIDER)"
    (procedure "pack_XY" line 6)
    invoked from within
    (procedure "change_display" line 42)
    invoked from within
"change_display 2"
    (procedure "load_3dview" line 18)
    invoked from within
"load_3dview "Load 3d Settings ...""
    invoked from within
".top.menu.file.m invoke active"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke active]"
    (procedure "tk::MenuInvoke" line 50)
    invoked from within
"tk::MenuInvoke .top.menu.file.m 1"

whereupon the view position window (the one with the "puck" and the arrow) disappears and will not come back until nviz is restarted (without reloading a 3d settings file).

This is happening on two different systems, both compiled from CVS HEAD on 23 November 2007.  One is a FreeBSD 6.x-STABLE system, the other is an Ubuntu 7.04 Linux system.


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