[GRASS-dev] Motion: migrate to SVN/trac on OSGeo infrastructure

Markus Neteler neteler.osgeo at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 15:40:29 EDT 2007

Fellow PSC members,

after long discussions, according to our (yet proposed) rules
of voting [1], I motion that the GRASS CVS server be migrated
into SVN server on OSGeo infrastructure as well as the bug tracker
be migrated to Trac on OSGeo infrastructure.

Rationale and background information to compare the current
solution to the proposed solution:

Vote closure:
 Sunday, 21 October 2007, 23:59 UTC.

I'll collate votes and present the result to the PSC (with cc to the
grass-dev list) on Monday, Oct. 22th 2007.

Best regards,

[1] http://mpa.itc.it/markus/grass63progman/rfc/rfc3_psc.html

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