[GRASS-dev] Python script problem

monik1982 at libero.it monik1982 at libero.it
Thu Oct 25 04:26:02 EDT 2007

Hello everybody,
I'm new to python and I'm trying to build up a script...

When I run the script the only commands that are executed are 

    cmdargs1= ["elevation=%s" %dtm]
    cmdargs2=["slope=slope1", "format=percent", "--overwrite"]   
    os.execvp("r.slope.aspect", ["r.slope.aspect"] + cmdargs1 + cmdargs2)

The other commands are ignored...What can be the issue?

 Here is my script:

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

#%  description:
#%  keywords: keyword1, keyword2
#%  key: dtm
#%  type: string
#%  gisprompt: old,cell,raster
#%  description: Modello Digitale del Terreno
#%  required : yes
#%  key: h
#%  type: double
#%  description: Profondità del mare in prossimità della costa h
#%  required : yes
#%  key: ho
#%  type: double
#%  description: Profondità del mare in corrispondenza dell'epicentro
#%  required : yes
#%  key: Ho
#%  type: double
#%  description: Altezza d'onda nel punto di generazione dello tsunami
#%  required : yes

import os,sys,subprocess,string,random,math

def main(): 

    #### add your code here ####
    print "" 

    print "Value of GIS_OPT_h: %s" % os.getenv("GIS_OPT_h")

    print "Value of GIS_OPT_ho:  %s" % os.getenv("GIS_OPT_ho")

    print "Value of GIS_OPT_Ho:  %s" % os.getenv("GIS_OPT_Ho")
    print "Name of GIS_OPT_dtm:  %s" % os.getenv("GIS_OPT_dtm")

    h = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_h'))

    ho = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_ho'))

    Ho = float(os.getenv('GIS_OPT_Ho'))
    dtm = os.getenv('GIS_OPT_dtm')


    Co=math.sqrt(9.8 * h)

    print "Celerità  dell'onda=",Co

    H= Ho * ((ho/h)**(0.25))

    print "Altezza d'onda a riva=",H

    U=Co * math.sqrt((1+H/h))

    print "Velocità  d'onda a riva=",U

    L= 4 * 2.415 *h /(math.sqrt(3*H/h))

    print "Lunghezza di un'onda solitaria=",L

    k1=U**2 * L/(19.6)

    print "k1=",k1

    k2= U**2 * H/(39.2)

    print "k2=",k2

    cmdargs1= ["elevation=%s" %dtm]
    cmdargs2=["slope=slope1", "format=percent", "--overwrite"]   
    os.execvp("r.slope.aspect", ["r.slope.aspect"] + cmdargs1 + cmdargs2)

    cmdargs3=["input=slope1", "output=slope_prova1", "method=average", "size=9"]   
    os.execvp("r.neighbors",["r.neighbors"] + cmdargs3)

    #### end of your code ####

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if ( len(sys.argv) <= 1 or sys.argv[1] != "@ARGS_PARSED@" ):
        os.execvp("g.parser", [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv)

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