[GRASS-dev] Re: [GRASS-user] trouble with v.rast.stats under WINGRASS

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Apr 8 17:03:25 EDT 2008

On 08/04/08 18:04, Niels Thevs wrote:
> Dear GRASS users,
> I am using WINGRASS 6.3 (RC5) and tried the command v.rast.stats. But I 
> encountered the error messages below, though the vector and raster are 
> in the same mapset.
> split1 at PERMANENT_3280.0 is not in the current mapset (PERMANENT)
> An error occurred while converting vector to raster
> G__open(r): mapset (PERMANENT) doesn't match xmapset (PERMANENT_3280.0)
> G__open(r): mapset (PERMANENT) doesn't match xmapset (PERMANENT_3280.0)
> split1 at PERMANENT_3280.0 is not in the current mapset (PERMANENT)
> Does anybody know, how to overcome this problem ?

This was fixed by Hamish here http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/changeset/30136

but apparently it did not get backported.

A quick fix for you is to click on the command in the Output window, so 
that you can edit it at the bottom and change the

vector=split1 at PERMANENT_3280.0



and then push 'Run'.

A more permanent fix is to download the current version of the script 
from here:


and replace you $GISBASE/scripts/v.rast.stats

with the downloaded file.


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