[GRASS-dev] How obtaining the area of a cell
roberto caselli
roberto.caselli at yahoo.it
Fri Apr 11 08:36:16 EDT 2008
Sorry for this silly question but I have a doubt now: Can an elevation raster map have cells with different areas? I though that all cells in a map had the same sizes...
Maris Nartiss <maris.gis a gmail.com> ha scritto: Yes, there is. You forgot to say where You need it - in C code, script?
G_area_of_cell_at_row(row); [1]
1. http://download.osgeo.org/grass/grass6_progman/gis_2area_8c.html#0f6fbb86c2dc8fa911eb52dc4875aab3
2008/4/10, roberto caselli :
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to know if there's a GRASS function that returns the cells area
> in a raster map.
> Regards,
> Roberto
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