[GRASS-dev] SVN version number

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 24 09:49:40 EDT 2008

> Updating from SVN this morning I see that the version number is now 
> 6.4.svn - I'm not sure if that's right? I thought it should be 6.3.svn 
> until a release branch for 6.4 is created, and the version number on
> that branch will be 6.4.svn. At that point the version on
> which will be in operation by then, will become 6.5.svn (although there
> might not ever be any 6.5 releases, similar to 5.5).

> Since 6.3.0 is out we can create 'develbranch_6' branch, e.g. during
> this weekend (as 6.4svn). After creating 'releasebranch_6_4' (as
> 6.4svn) it can be renamed to 6.5svn.

I would wait until 6.4 feature freeze before branching off a
releasebranch_6_4 and setting the version to 6.5.svn. Otherwise there is
lots of backporting and double handling to do. Especially with whatever
GRASS 7(trunk) fore-porting there is to be done.

or is the time right to declare GRASS 6 feature-frozen for all but wx and
winGRASS development?

Perhaps wait a week or two anyway before branching off _6_4 from _6, to
let us finish with 6.3.0 business and catch up to our thoughts.

> Trunk becomes 7.0svn.

that is my understanding of the plan,

> It is all a bit confusing though since we've started partially 
> abandoning the odd-development/stable-release system.

AFAIK we haven't abandoned that at all. It's just that we happened to
make 6.3.0 a really nice and usable beta since no new features [well,
few] have gone into the stable branch since 6.2 was branched off HEAD in
August 2006.
I see no reason to abandon that. Both odd and even numbers are free and
it gives us some room to play with semi-stable releases like 6.3.0.


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