[GRASS-dev] question about icons in GRASS 7

Martin Landa landa.martin at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 07:24:48 EDT 2008


2008/8/6 Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>:


>> IMO $GISBASE/docs/html/icons seems very a strange place to put them,
>> while $GISBASE/etc/icons seems very natural. Their primary reason for
>> existence is for the GUI program, the docs are reactionary to that..
>> note that some packagers (Debian...) will, for large softwares, split
>> the docs from the main program package into a new -docs package. this
>> is for a couple reasons- one is that some people (eg embedded, old
>> hardware) want to save the disk space by not installing unneeded docs;
>> another is to avoid redundancy on the package download servers by
>> pushing as much platform-neutral data into a single "-any" package and
>> then have a series of smaller -i386, -arm, -mips, etc. binary
>> packages. Storing 11 copies of the same docs adds up when you support
>> 11 hardware platforms.
>> The icons are platform neutral so not a problem for the server-space
>> reason, but very much a problem for the user wants "core only" reason.
> IOW, the icons should really be installed into both docs/html/icons
> (for the documentation) and etc/icons (for the GUI itself).

the reasons you have mentioned make senses to me. I will fix silk
icons accordingly.


BTW, maybe also icons and images from lib/init/ could be moved to the new place.

gintro.gif -> gui/images ($GISDBASE/etc/gui/images)
*.ico -> gui/icons ($GISDBASE/gui/icons)
original GRASS icons - gui/icons/grass ($GISDBASE/gui/icons/grass)
Silk icons - gui/icons/silk ($GISDBASE/gui/icons/silk)


Martin Landa <landa.martin gmail.com> * http://gama.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa *

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