[GRASS-dev] How to create union of areas with isles

Росен Матев r.matev at gmail.com
Sat Aug 9 16:35:46 EDT 2008


I'm almost done with the new v.buffer module, but I need some help to finish it.
I have the following problem. Suppose we have several line_pnts
structs: A0, A1, A2, ...., An; B0, B1, B2, ..., Bm; ... (All lines are
not self-intersecting) Here A0, B0, ... represent outer contours of
areas and A1...An, B1, ... Bm, .... represent the corresponding isles
(and no two isles A1...An intersect each other, and no isle of A1...An
intersects A0. I.e. we have nice areas). How to create the map which
consists of  the union of those areas A,B,... (Most of the times
A,B,... will intersect each other)
I have attached an example of such area - A with outer line A0, and
isles A1, A2.

Rosen Matev
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