[GRASS-dev] terminology issues in grass7

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Sat Aug 9 17:45:27 EDT 2008

Michael Barton pisze:

> I agree with changing map to layers and using map to refer to the 
> composited group of layers.

Sounds alright to me as well.

> However, I disagree with using "field number" for the features that are 
> now called "layers" in vectors. These are "key fields" or "keys" in 
> standard DBMS terminology for linking the vector table with the 
> attribute table. I propose using "key" or "keyfield".

In GRASS there is already a term "key column" (the column that links the
category number with the table row). Since terms "field" and "column"
are sometimes used interchangeably, and term "key column" is already a
part of GRASS terminology, using "keyfield" for something different will
lead to confussion.

May I suggest "table link" in place of the current "layer" then? So each
vector map can have multilpe "table links", and each "table" can have
it's own "key column".

As to "voxel" and aliases (i.e. "3D raster", "G3D", "volume", "GRID3D",
"3d cell") - could we just stick to "3d raster layer"? A little longish,
but plain obvious and conforms to "(2d) raster layer", "(2d/3d) vector


Maciej Sieczka

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