[GRASS-dev] compile error with vdigit nviz

Jamie Adams jaadfoo at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 14:14:32 EST 2008

Hello all,

I've been compiling 6.4 locally for sometime, but ran into a problem after
my last svn update.

Ubuntu 8.04 64-bit
revision 34829
>> ./configure --with-tcltk-includes=/usr/include/tcl8.4 --with-python
--enable-64bit --with-readline
--with-readline-includes=/usr/include/readline --with-freetype
--with-wxwidgets=/usr/bin/wx-config --with-postgres
GRASS GIS compilation log
Started compilation: Thu Dec 11 10:10:26 PST 2008
Errors in:
In case of errors please change into the directory with error and run
If you get multiple errors, you need to deal with them in the order they
appear in the error log. If you get an error building a library, you will
also get errors from anything which uses the library.
Finished compilation: Thu Dec 11 10:15:22 PST 2008
make: *** [default] Error 1

>> cd /usr/local/work/build/grass6_devel/gui/wxpython/vdigit
>> make
make: *** No rule to make target `default', needed by `first'.  Stop.

The results are the same for nviz.  What's going wrong here?

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